Vývoj aplikací na zakázku

Vývoj aplikací na zakázku #2


MaDaM is a modular system that can be used not only for attendance evidence. Ease of use, intuitive controls, advanced design and technology used in its development are the main advantages for the success of this solution. The system is based on MS SQL and .NET technology. A lot of expansion modules incorporated in the system enables management of attendance in various modes. E.g. standard working hours, unevenly scheduled working hours, working time account and other variants are possible.


  • Easy usage of terminals and applications
  • Autocomplete of long absence
  • Correction log of attendance data
  • Graphical representation of problematic locations in the data
  • On-line review of the presence
  • Minimizing application user clicks
  • Monitoring the number of vacation days and overtime hours
  • Display balance of hours in the terminal
  • Statistics and graphs
  • Supervision of payroll auditor over developing solutions
  • Detailed devison of offers and performance
  • Easy contract management
  • Converters to various payroll systems
  • Connection to catering and coupon system
  • Calculation for taking meal tickets
  • Simple system for monitoring and evaluation of orders
  • Account of working hours
  • Module for automatic and manual shift planning
  • The management of requirements and approval of absences
  • Annual holiday plan
  • Applications for Windows and Web Client
  • Touch applications for employees
  • Collection of comissions and output via terminals
  • Collection of comissions via touch stations
  • Collection of rders using bar codes
  • Possibility of connection to access system

Attendance System MaDaM


Our modern attendance system uses more than 25 years of experience in the development of these systems. The system is now fully configurable and adaptable to any company or organization that would like to use it. MaDaM integrates other modules which makes it a highly scalable and modulated system not only for the treatment of staff time, but also for related agendas. It is fully integrated with the access system module, catering module, the module of offers and performance monitoring and others.

The attendance module allows to keep the basic attendance according to the Labour Code, the Act on Wages and the Act on salary. Based on assigned attendance data and calculations based on the settings for each individual employee, the module calculates the working time, the absence, as well as hours for surcharges. Everything depends on the working calendar of particular company. The system can also handle irregular working hours, multi-shift work, flexible working hours etc. Any manual changes to select the beginning and end of interruptions are logged and therefore it is perfectly clear who corrected the data. Attendance allows a three-step approval processs, charts for clarity and other useful functions for simplification. Work in the system is very similar to working in a spreadsheet therefore it is very easy and intuitive for the user.

MaDaM in Elok-Opava Company


Based on an inspection of LO in Elok-Opava company, the need to change attendance system became necessary. The attendance system supposed to agree with requirements of the Labour Code  and related regulations, especially in the calculation of the actual time worked and break and overtime register.  Elok - Opava also introduced evidence of the time which was spent working on the orders and the catering system (without loading terminal). Following the successful implementation, the system integrated into the access system in both of its locations.


In 2009 Elok - Opava searched for a solution that would meet its requirements in terms of attendance, tracking orders, tracking access, vouchers and catering of the staff. MaDaM managed to meet all required parameters. Further requests were added to the system as a part of the delivery and implementation.

One of the requirements included the connection to K2 economic system, especially in the area of tracking time on projects. Realization proceeded through connection of the dialer of orders to the K2 system dialer of orders and by re-connection on outlet by registration of the time spent on the order while closing the attendance.  

Reports were created and added for control of the outlet. Also, detailed viewes were added to the application for the perfect vison of the time spent on the orders, therefore the managers are able to control, how much time was actually spent on the order.

Implementation took place within a month, when testing of the set-up and training of users, then the application has passed into daily operation.

The second phase of the implementation was the introduction of the access system. After analyzing the access management needs in the buildings and in the facilities, the access points were defined and the assembly of the electronics and cabling were installed. The access points were added to the to the application and managers configured accesses for individual employees.

The system enables to flexibly react to further expansion of access points, its simple integration into the communication network access system and the introduction of the application interface.





Bidvest Elok


MaDaM - Basic

7 500,- Kč

The basic software module system. The basic module includes 5 licenses for system users and 50 licenses are currently processed employees.

  • Standard shift modes
  • Assignment of user rights and groups of employees
  • Management of attendance and access terminals
  • Server part of the application (service)
  • Assignment of meal tickets
  • Monitoring of holidays and overtimes
  • Possibility of overtime approval
  • Calculations for single or multi-shift working
  • Calculation of the attendance
  • Calculation of surcharges (night shifts, afternoon shifts, Saturdays, Sundays...)
  • Correct calculation and holiday use
  • Individual setting for attendance calculation of employee
  • Standard reports
  • Transfer of hours to other months
  • Monitoring of breaks according to various modes
  • Flexible working hours supoport
  • Working hours account support
  • Unevenly designed working hours support

Inquiry Form

We would like to inform you that ECM System Solutions, Ltd. the author of the software solution "docline" which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Ministry of Industry and Commerce under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation (OPEI).
Project registration number: 2.2 ITS03/482.
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Cílem projektu je získávání nových znalostí potřebných pro vývoj nových produktů, materiálů, technologií a služeb prostřednictvím realizace projektů průmyslového výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje. Výstupem - výsledkem projektu bude PROTOTYP mobilní kondenzační mini teplárny s názvem „Mobilní teplárna s akumulací a řízením“ s tím, že tento prototyp bude testován po dobu realizace projektu a následně po dobu životnosti projektu v Univerzitním centru energeticky efektivních budov ČVUT.
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Hlavní cíl projektu je vyvinout zcela nový plně automatický systém pro kalibraci koncových měrek a osvojení si nových principu řízení projektu a získání nových znalostí v oboru.
Projekt č. Č. CZ.01.4.04/0.0/0.0/16_076/0009574 ŘÍZENÍ VÝROBY -FORGGIO je spolufinancován Evropskou unií, OP Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost, program ICT a sdílené služby.
Cílem projektu je tvorba nového softwarového informačního systému vycházejícího z technicky zastaralého řešení MAGGIO. Řešení je určeno pro liniovou a kombinovanou sériovou výrobu, řízení vstupně výstupních skladů a meziskladů, navážku materiálu, EDI komunikační rozhraní, ON-LINE sledování vyrobeného množství, automatické výpočty kapacit linek a pracovišť, automatické zapracování požadavků na výrobu, sledování kolizí dat dodaní a dalších funkcionalit.
Projekt řeší nízkou úroveň znalostí, dovedností a kompetencí pracovníků a nesoulad mezi kvalifikační úrovní pracovní síly s požadavky trhu práce. V rámci projektu bude proškoleno 25 zaměstnanců žadatele a partnerů s finančním příspěvkem, společnosti SOVA SYSTEMS Č.R., SIPLEX a VIDUM.