
Even small companies or working groups need to manage their documents and optimize processes in safe environment.


Our solution is intuitive, intelligent and innovative.


Docline is a software product that provides full management of electronic documents.The system is designed for users in organizations that need to store and manage documents throughout their lifecycle from a single central repository accessible in a simple manner. It allows you to store and work with electronic documents in various formats, search, filter and store document versions. It provides full integration with CAD and Office and it serves as a tool for complex electronic and technical documentation management.



  • Data Centralization
  • Optionally Defined Directory Structure
  • Directories and Property Types
  • Document types, templates and properties
  • Office and CAD Integration
  • Revision Management
  • Optional Approval Processes
  • Configurable According to Customers Needs
  • Rights and Roles of Users


Docline provides all kinds of management for your electronic documentation, such as directory structure settings, standardization through document types with custom templates, properties, proper approaches based on rights and roles, or automatic naming and workflow.

It supports and helps to optimize processes related to the creation, flow and distribution of documents across the whole company but also with external suppliers. Since it is configurable, its adaptability can meet the particular needs and requirements of many customers.

The introduction of this system will reduce the risk of losing documents, it will support the automation of business processes and it ensures consistent information is accessible in real time. It has simple and intuitive interface localized in Czech, its usage is very easy and users are able to exploit its potential in just a few hours.



Docline provides a safe environment through the concept of a central repository. Central repository consists of two parts, the file system where the files are stored all together with a history of changes and the second part consists of SQL database, where all the data and metadata files are stored. The system works on the principle of client - server. The server part is a console with administrative features, configuration environment and license server. To access the data stored in a central repository, users can use the client application. Approaches are arranged based on the rights and roles of users.


Directory structure

Fixed directory structure is an essential factor of good configuration. It specifies how the documents in the repository will be stored. The concept of the structure is very crucial and must be considered carefully. We have to take into consideration various types of documents with different content will be imposed.




 Directory types

The directory type determines what kind of directory there is and what additional data or information are to be assigned to it. For example, the directory type "Order" can carry additional information regarding the order, such as name, number, location, start and end dates, schedule, complete information about the investor, etc. This information is logically grouped into sets called “Tabs”. Tab is thus possible to define for the directory of the order, while the information from it can be automatically inherited to other substructures and other documents that may be formed in it. 


Document types

Documents in a central repository can be grouped into certain groups – document types. Document type is basic classification of documents based on their use. Each document type has its own specific features, predefined properties, templates, naming, life cycles, etc.

For example:

• Mail, Projects, Documentation, Economic documents
• Correspondence, Documents, Photos, Projects
• Offers, drawings, plan, budget, specifications, list, invoices, orders, contracts, documentation
• Price lists, certificates, manuals, orders, offers, Brochures, Complaints, Reports



Each document stored in central repository may have various other information called “Metadata”. Metadata are stored in tabs and they are always available. Its purpose is to gain maximum information about the document. Metadata may carry information about the offer, the author, the processors and many others.



Each document type can have any number of its own templates and metadata. It is possible to insert predefined templates for each document type. Templates are types of documents that already have some content including fields, ready for automatic filling of data from the system. Templates can be prepared as ordinary Office documents, but also as AutoCAD drawings.


Automatic naming

The system is able to generate the serial number of the document. Therefore it is not possible to create more documents with the same serial number in one repository.



Workflow or document "lifecycle" binds to each document type in the system. Workflow can be assigned to every type of document in the system. There are several workflow types, such as basic, short, standard or another type according to customers wishes and requirements.


Revision management

Each new change in the content of the document after its approval, respectively. after the beginning of a new life cycle (workflow) is considered a new revision of the document. Revisions can be written in numeric form (1,2,3,…) or in form of letters (A,B,C,…).



After installing docline, it is integrated into the Microsoft Windows operating system.  The first integration is opening and saving of the dialog box. All the programs using standard Windows are now able to open the dialog box or save the documents from or to central repository.

All the metadata stored in Tabs may be synchronized with the content of the document. It can be for example the content of a Word document or an Excel table. In practice, this means that some frequently used metadata (e. g. a contract for the investor), do not need to be re-entered while creating a new document, because the metadata can be automatically loaded from the tab of the created document.


Rights and roles

It is possible to assign fully configurable access roles with number of rights to users or user groups. Rights can be assigned to each document type and tab.  

We would like to inform you that ECM System Solutions, Ltd. the author of the software solution "docline" which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Ministry of Industry and Commerce under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation (OPEI).
Project registration number: 2.2 ITS03/482.
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Cílem projektu je získávání nových znalostí potřebných pro vývoj nových produktů, materiálů, technologií a služeb prostřednictvím realizace projektů průmyslového výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje. Výstupem - výsledkem projektu bude PROTOTYP mobilní kondenzační mini teplárny s názvem „Mobilní teplárna s akumulací a řízením“ s tím, že tento prototyp bude testován po dobu realizace projektu a následně po dobu životnosti projektu v Univerzitním centru energeticky efektivních budov ČVUT.
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Hlavní cíl projektu je vyvinout zcela nový plně automatický systém pro kalibraci koncových měrek a osvojení si nových principu řízení projektu a získání nových znalostí v oboru.
Projekt č. Č. CZ.01.4.04/0.0/0.0/16_076/0009574 ŘÍZENÍ VÝROBY -FORGGIO je spolufinancován Evropskou unií, OP Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost, program ICT a sdílené služby.
Cílem projektu je tvorba nového softwarového informačního systému vycházejícího z technicky zastaralého řešení MAGGIO. Řešení je určeno pro liniovou a kombinovanou sériovou výrobu, řízení vstupně výstupních skladů a meziskladů, navážku materiálu, EDI komunikační rozhraní, ON-LINE sledování vyrobeného množství, automatické výpočty kapacit linek a pracovišť, automatické zapracování požadavků na výrobu, sledování kolizí dat dodaní a dalších funkcionalit.
Projekt řeší nízkou úroveň znalostí, dovedností a kompetencí pracovníků a nesoulad mezi kvalifikační úrovní pracovní síly s požadavky trhu práce. V rámci projektu bude proškoleno 25 zaměstnanců žadatele a partnerů s finančním příspěvkem, společnosti SOVA SYSTEMS Č.R., SIPLEX a VIDUM.