BlueCielo Project Portal

BlueCielo Project Portal provides 100% web solution for documentation management of complex industrial projects with big number of cooperating parties. The documents operate with projects. Project Portal operates with documents.


  • Engineering projet collaboration
  • Transmittal management
  • Delivery of Document Packages
  • Notification on revision of supplied document status
  • Master Data Management and Handover
  • Security

Project Portal is the biggest platform for flow, exchange and control of documentation in huge projects including large number of suppliers and cooperators.

BlueCielo Meridian Project Portal helps organizations to control the projects of industrial facilities in external network of suppliers, cooperators, organizations and customers.  The portal allows its customers cooperation on projects and also control of project documentation device (asset data), which is managed in BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise. It also enables a new device documentation that is created during the lifetime of an industrial project, from standard operational change projects to industrial projects requiring huge investments.

BlueCielo Project Portal helps to reduce the project expanses and increase the documentation quality.




Engineering Project Collaboration

The Project Portal is a secure MS SharePoint environment that provides a single point of truth for project information. Since it is fully MS SharePoint-based, it is easily deployed to even the most complex supplier networks. The repository provides robust access control, version management and audit trail capabilities to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Various aspects of the project (e.g. properties, workflows, access control) can be easily adjusted by project administrators without requiring assistance from the IT department, allowing fast response to changes required in the collaboration environment. The Project Portal also offers dashboards for a quick overview and drill-down, making information easily accessible.


Transmittal management

Official document transmittals drive medium to (very) large industrial capital projects. Transmittal management allows document controllers to easily prepare, send and track document packages toexternal project members. The packages are first acknowledged and then retrieved by recipients directly from the Project Portal, which provides a full audit trail of activities performed and full security for the content being transmitted. This means that no documents are transmitted over insecure channels such as email.


Delivery of Document Packages

Suppliers and contractors typically work with internal design  applications and need to easily submit document packages to the repository. The Project Portal allows for bulk imports of documents by suppliers into a delivery area for validation and verification before  updating the master project structures (optionally, this may be based on a provided Master Document List). The copying of documents from the delivery area to the master project structure is a single, seamless operation that automatically creates new documents within the structure or updates existing document versions of the documents submitted. If required, the delivered documents can be reviewed using the (elective) viewer prior to being accepted.


Document Delivery Status Follow-up

Schedule and status information can be added to the document information based on project reporting needs. Both document controllers and the contractors or suppliers have their own dashboards for easy progress overview. The information can be easily exported to an Excel spreadsheet, which can be also used at a later stage to update the information back to the document depository. Automatic notifications can be set for documents that are pending or late.


Master Data Management and Handover

Most projects on industrial facilities occur during the operations phase of the facility lifecycle, so existing asset information can be taken as a basis for change projects, small or large. Alternatively,new build projects can be started from the Project Portal without any existing asset data. The updated or new information flows seamlessly into BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise for validation and internal review of the data, minimizing costs related to data handover from the project to the operational environment.



The Project Portal provides high security at many levels. The network traffic between the user and the Project Portal always occurs with encrypted communication protocols. Users are always authenticated with a username and password and access to project data is automatically authorized at the user and document level according to the organization’s template and rules. Finally, the Project Portal provides access to the required engineering content managed in BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise from a DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) network. This does not require granting external participants access to the BlueCielo Meridian infrastructure in your internal network.

We would like to inform you that ECM System Solutions, Ltd. the author of the software solution "docline" which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Ministry of Industry and Commerce under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation (OPEI).
Project registration number: 2.2 ITS03/482.
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Cílem projektu je získávání nových znalostí potřebných pro vývoj nových produktů, materiálů, technologií a služeb prostřednictvím realizace projektů průmyslového výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje. Výstupem - výsledkem projektu bude PROTOTYP mobilní kondenzační mini teplárny s názvem „Mobilní teplárna s akumulací a řízením“ s tím, že tento prototyp bude testován po dobu realizace projektu a následně po dobu životnosti projektu v Univerzitním centru energeticky efektivních budov ČVUT.
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Hlavní cíl projektu je vyvinout zcela nový plně automatický systém pro kalibraci koncových měrek a osvojení si nových principu řízení projektu a získání nových znalostí v oboru.
Projekt č. Č. CZ.01.4.04/0.0/0.0/16_076/0009574 ŘÍZENÍ VÝROBY -FORGGIO je spolufinancován Evropskou unií, OP Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost, program ICT a sdílené služby.
Cílem projektu je tvorba nového softwarového informačního systému vycházejícího z technicky zastaralého řešení MAGGIO. Řešení je určeno pro liniovou a kombinovanou sériovou výrobu, řízení vstupně výstupních skladů a meziskladů, navážku materiálu, EDI komunikační rozhraní, ON-LINE sledování vyrobeného množství, automatické výpočty kapacit linek a pracovišť, automatické zapracování požadavků na výrobu, sledování kolizí dat dodaní a dalších funkcionalit.
Projekt řeší nízkou úroveň znalostí, dovedností a kompetencí pracovníků a nesoulad mezi kvalifikační úrovní pracovní síly s požadavky trhu práce. V rámci projektu bude proškoleno 25 zaměstnanců žadatele a partnerů s finančním příspěvkem, společnosti SOVA SYSTEMS Č.R., SIPLEX a VIDUM.