BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise

BlueCielo ECM Solutions is a solution to improve data consistency, improves business processes during asset lifecycle.


  • Easy document storage and retrieval
  • Management of document changes, revisions and links
  • Support of the life cycle (workflow)
  • Seamlessly integrated with CAD and Office applications
  • Built AutoVue viewer with commenting (redline) and tagging options
  • Increased productivity of engineers
  • Improved availability of content
  • Optimized assessing of the technical content and workflow
  • Reduced cost of printing and distribution
  • Publishing of the technical content and data across the organization
  • Connection to corporate management system documentation
  • Sustained complex objects, binding of documents
  • View of technical data and contents of the asset management system
  • Technical data and content are available in a neutral format
  • Web access to technical data and contents
  • Integrated with enterprise content management systems

Technical Documentation Management

Global cooperation is very important for people and organizations, so that they can be better at communicating among themselves. Ideas, projects, documents and content can now be shared and distributed quickly and efficiently.

Our flagship product, BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise, provides a robust, highly scalable engineering data management solution for the entire organization. BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise creates the ultimate collaboration platform that connects people and links engineering to the enterprise by leveraging design-related information from different sources from start to finish.

Department Connection

BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise provides a platform for people across the (globally dispersed) organization to collaboratively work on engineering projects; regardless of location and the number of people involved in engineering, design, construction, and maintenance. This increases efficiency and time in engineering-driven organizations.

BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise provides a single point of information with accurate engineering data to enable people across the world to work simultaneously on multiple projects. Automatized technology of content and data exchange between various locations is available through the Global Cooperation Framework module.

BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise provides features for CAD (e.g., AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, SolidWorks nebo MicroStation), office software (e.g.,Microsoft Office) and e-mail (e.g. Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes).

Key Features for Your Department

  • Easy document storage and retrieval
  • Change and document revisions management
  • Support for approval and comment process
  • Seamlessly integrated with CAD and Office applications
  • Built AutoVue viewer with options commenting (redline) and tagging

Business Benefits for Your Department

  • Increased productivity of engineers
  • Improved technology content availability
  • Optimized assessing the technical content and workflow
  • Reduced cost of printing and distribution

Connection of Your Company

Regardless of the industry, technical data must be shared even outside the engineering department, for example, to secure a permit, to operate or to provide electronic approval according the FDA.3

Whether the buildings are constructed and maintained or are being developed by ambitious projects in infrastructure or equipment manufactured and built, there is no doubt that all the relevant technical information must be readily available from the beginning to the end of the project to all the parties. Advanced Project Workflow module allows the transfer of technical content from already created environment into design environments and vice versa.

BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise integrates with the main tools for documentation management (eg. Documentum, SharePoint and Livelink), systems management devices (eg. ARCHIBUS / FM) and the strategic asset management systems (eg. SAP PM, Maximo and Ultimo). Asset Management Module expands the business model of objects and the relationship of these objects to documents.

Key Features for Your Company

  • Publishing of the technical content and data across the organization
  • Connecting to corporate management for system documentation
  • Sustained complex objects, binding of documents
  • View of the technical data and contents of the asset management system
  • Technical data and content are available in a neutral format
  • Web access to technical data and contents
  • Integration with enterprise content management systems

Business Features for Your Company

  • Reduction of the time required to search the technical data and documentation
  • Reduced maintenance costs and property operating costs
  • Providing compliance with regulations and operating permits
  • Improvements of good engineering and manufacturing practice
  • Intellectual Property Protection

Connection of External Partners

BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise allows third party access to content and technical data for external participants. Easy to use, web-based user interface provides secure access to technical content. Other Publisher module enables rendering and publishing of technical content for non-engineers. The Publisher has standard publishing modules for MS SharePoint, OpenText Livelink ECM and Documentum.

Third parties, such as suppliers, design houses, equipment suppliers and contract manufacturers can easily and securely connect and share the technical data with the help of Transmittal Management module. EPC contractors can also gain access to BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise using the Web client with remote integration with CAD applications. This proven method simplifies design and construction, and is able to save time and resources.

Key Features for Third Parties

  • Support of cooperation with external parties
  • Creates technical data and documentation and makes it available outside the company
  • Connection to the management of enterprise information systems
  • It records the exchange of technical documentation and data
  • Facilitates electronic document workflow, routing and distribution
  • Quickly and easily enables electronic checking and approving documents
  • Technical data and documents are available on the internet portal


Business benefits for Third Parties

  • Immediate delivery of technical data and documents
  • Optimized control and approval of documents (workflow)
  • Reduced printing and distribution costs


BlueCielo ECM Solutions provides Engineering Content Management (ECM) solutions for multiple industries including energy, oil and (petro) chemical industry, construction, infrastructure, transport and piece production. BlueCielo has more than twenty years of industry experience with over 300,000 users in over 50 countries. BlueCielo has offices in Brazil, Germany, Holland, Russia, the US and UK, and an extensive global network of partners. BlueCielo ensures a high level of professional services and technical support on a truly worldwide scale for the best software solutions BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise.



Arcelor Mittal ÚJV Řež, a. s., divize ENERGOPROJEKT

We would like to inform you that ECM System Solutions, Ltd. the author of the software solution "docline" which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Ministry of Industry and Commerce under the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation (OPEI).
Project registration number: 2.2 ITS03/482.
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Cílem projektu je získávání nových znalostí potřebných pro vývoj nových produktů, materiálů, technologií a služeb prostřednictvím realizace projektů průmyslového výzkumu a experimentálního vývoje. Výstupem - výsledkem projektu bude PROTOTYP mobilní kondenzační mini teplárny s názvem „Mobilní teplárna s akumulací a řízením“ s tím, že tento prototyp bude testován po dobu realizace projektu a následně po dobu životnosti projektu v Univerzitním centru energeticky efektivních budov ČVUT.
je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.
Hlavní cíl projektu je vyvinout zcela nový plně automatický systém pro kalibraci koncových měrek a osvojení si nových principu řízení projektu a získání nových znalostí v oboru.
Projekt č. Č. CZ.01.4.04/0.0/0.0/16_076/0009574 ŘÍZENÍ VÝROBY -FORGGIO je spolufinancován Evropskou unií, OP Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost, program ICT a sdílené služby.
Cílem projektu je tvorba nového softwarového informačního systému vycházejícího z technicky zastaralého řešení MAGGIO. Řešení je určeno pro liniovou a kombinovanou sériovou výrobu, řízení vstupně výstupních skladů a meziskladů, navážku materiálu, EDI komunikační rozhraní, ON-LINE sledování vyrobeného množství, automatické výpočty kapacit linek a pracovišť, automatické zapracování požadavků na výrobu, sledování kolizí dat dodaní a dalších funkcionalit.
Projekt řeší nízkou úroveň znalostí, dovedností a kompetencí pracovníků a nesoulad mezi kvalifikační úrovní pracovní síly s požadavky trhu práce. V rámci projektu bude proškoleno 25 zaměstnanců žadatele a partnerů s finančním příspěvkem, společnosti SOVA SYSTEMS Č.R., SIPLEX a VIDUM.